Deciding to file for divorce on your own gives you a chance to avoid lengthy court hearings and the need to deal with expensive lawyers. However, the process requires a lot of paperwork to be completed, which can be quite confusing and challenging for a person not familiar with the procedure. So, before filing for divorce in Wyoming and setting off into your new single life, you should learn what is expected of you to make it possible.
To get divorced, you will need to gather the basic set of papers. It generally includes the Complaint for Divorce, Civil Cover Sheet, Summons, and Decree of Divorce. Nevertheless, the paperwork is not limited to these forms and is very much case-specific. So, the number and types of documents to be filled in would greatly depend on your individual family situation.
In this article, we will tell you about some of the main Wyoming court forms that you would need to get a divorce in the state and offer examples of the select ones. Hopefully, it will help you to make your divorce process easier and more understandable.
Complaint for Divorce
In order to start the case, the person who initiates divorce in Wyoming should file a Complaint for Divorce. It is the official document in which you provide some basic information about your marriage and request the court to end it. Some of the details to be specified include:
- Both spouses’ names;
- Both spouses’ place of residence;
- Date and place of marriage;
- Date of separation;
- Grounds for divorce;
- Whether the couple has minor children;
- Children’s names, dates of birth, and residency;
- Initial requests for dispute settlements;
- Petitioner’s address and phone number.
Note that two different versions of the Complaint for Divorce form are available for cases with and without children.
Civil Cover Sheet

Together with a Complaint for Divorce, a petitioner should file a Civil Cover Sheet. This document is obligatory in divorce cases and is used for administrative purposes. It provides the court with information on the type of case you’re filing for and any related cases.
Summons is also one of the obligatory legal forms in all divorce cases. The document is issued by the court and does not require too much filling in. It serves the purpose of notifying your spouse that you have filed the case, identifies the court and the parties, and states the name and address of the plaintiff or their attorney. Summons warns the defendant that they should file and serve the Answer to the Complaint for Divorce within the specified time and that the failure to do so will result in a judgment by default. It must be signed by the clerk, sealed with the court’s seal, served with the respondent, and returned to the clerk.

Confidential Statement of the Parties for Child Support Order
In case of a divorce with a child in Wyoming, one of the most important forms you may need to fill in is the Confidential Statement of the Parties for Child Support Order. The form specifies the vital details about the couple and their children, including names, dates and places of birth, addresses, social security numbers, and parents’ employers. All the information indicated in it is highly confidential. It is only available for the concerned parties: the couple, their attorneys (if any), the judge, and any organizations involved in enforcing the rulings pertaining to child custody and support.
Initial Disclosures
When the main package of divorce papers is filed and served, the parties should provide each other with Initial Disclosures within 30 days after the defendant is required to serve the Answer. The aim of each document is for both spouses to present the full summary of their financial information to each other. It must not be filed with the court and is only meant for the other party.
Information to be provided in the Initial Disclosures includes a schedule of:
- Financial assets;
- Non-financial assets;
- Debts;
- Safe deposit boxes;
- Employment;
- All other sources of income;
- Retirement accounts or benefits;
It also covers the facts that support your claim of superior entitlement to custody (if custody is one of the disputes in the case).
Confidential Financial Affidavit

To get a divorce in Wyoming with minor children, both parties must file a Confidential Financial Affidavit. It is required in all cases that entail decisions on child custody and support. The document should include information about the parties, their kids, and monthly income and expenses.
In addition, each parent should attach copies of their tax returns and W-2 forms for the last two years, a copy of the total amount of earnings for the last year, and verified income and expense statements from their business for the last two years (if they are self-employed).
It should be noted that the provided information must be totally truthful. In addition to the risk of losing on some settlements that you expect from the divorce, you may also face some legal repercussions if the judge or investigators reveal the slightest sign of a lie in the documents you provide.
Decree of Divorce
The Decree of Divorce is the final judgment form that officially terminates the marriage. In addition to granting the divorce, it provides detailed information on all the terms and conditions concerning property and debt division, child custody and support, alimony, etc. To verify that the parties agree with all the terms provided in it, they both must initial each page, sign the form, and have their signatures notarized.
Download Fillable PDF Forms

Here are some examples of the key Wyoming divorce forms that can be downloaded in PDF format.
Complaint for Divorce (with children)
Complaint for Divorce (without children)
Confidential Statement of the Parties for Child Support Order
Decree of Divorce (with children)
Decree of Divorce (without children)
The Bottom Line
Wyoming courts require spouses planning to divorce to file a substantial package of case-specific documents. You will definitely spend a lot of time and effort trying not to get confused in a variety of forms and recommendations for filling them out. However, at, you can get invaluable help for only $139. Our service picks and fills in the right forms based on your answers to our simple online questionnaires. In addition, we provide step-by-step filing instructions that will help you in your divorce process.

Martha Vineyard, an accomplished family law expert, boasts an extensive track record of navigating the intricate web of familial legal matters. Beyond her legal pursuits, Martha finds solace in the written word, crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the nuances related to this area. When not immersed in legal tomes, Martha enjoys her downtime with a passion for exploring new cuisines and sharing culinary adventures with loved ones.